Sunday 26 January 2014

Birthday delights

Hello again!

We live in a culture where our social lives revolve around eating. For vegans, and more specifically raw vegans, this can be a source of great anxiety. Eating healthily should not be as difficult as it has become in modern society. It is our job to change this perception and begin the revolution for healthy food! This post focuses on how to easily entertain guests with finger food for an afternoon.

Yesterday I turned 25. I think once you hit twelve, birthdays stop being one of those events of instant transmogrification. I remember throwing myself out of bed when I was a kid and running to examine myself in the mirror, looking for signs of change that marked my midnight transition from nine to ten years old. Even when I was 16 I hoped I would just transform from an awkward teenager into a graceful young woman. These days I am now grateful to spend time with people I love and then exploit them by enslaving them for menial tasks such as, "change the channel", "make me tea" and, "I get to choose," because it is my birthday after all.

My family is not vegan and definitely not raw. I am lucky however that they respect my life choices and are happy to dabble in the realm of raw food. I didn't want to do much preparation, yet I needed to whip out something a little more exciting than cut watermelon.

This is what the beautiful spread looked like.

This only took me around 45 minutes to an hour to prepare.  The apple chips, kale chips and raw crackers had to be prepared the night before just so that they had time to dehydrate.

Not pictured: Hummus, the mighty fail-safe vegan dip. 

Fast finger food for lazy last minute throw together

Rice crackers and corn thins
Sun dried tomatoes
Mashed avocado
Trail mix
Fruit platters
Chopped vegetables
Watermelon (if its really desperate)
Lettuce leaves to make little wraps

Whilst they are insanely simple they are often overlooked in moments of panic, which might result in wasting money and buying prepacked dips, chips and cheeses full of extra salt, oil and additives. Fresh fruit will make you feel much better in the long run.


Next post: Cool Ranch Kale Chips ( pictured above)

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